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The search for Monte sanity

Dear Friend,

Bit of a quick one today as half the team has already left for the airport and I have been struggling all day with microphone cables and trying to learn new tricks with digital recording devices.

The champagne is chilled, the waiters at the Café de Paris are on their best behaviour and we’re on our way, searching for a small island of sanity in all the madness.

We need an eye in the Hurricane, from which to focus, observe, contemplate and then resist the temptation to get too drunk too quickly. We wonder where such an oasis is to be found, but we promise, dear long-suffering friend, that we will do our utmost to find it.

We optimistically hope we shall succeed, (but rather expect that we will once again fail to live up to lofty expectations).

We only hope we don’t embarrass ourselves too visibly in front of too many people.

See you later,

PS. Watch out for the glare from our white polo shirts as you stagger from meeting to meeting.

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