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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 24, 2007 1:42 PM.

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Your help needed - life settlements

Dear friend

Do you know who’s active in the life settlements market?

If so please can you help out a reader from the Netherlands? There might even be some business in it for you if you do

My first guess would be go to someone like Swiss Re

(or maybe I might go to my friendliest soft market contingency broker to see what is cooking out on the wild frontiers – but I’d expect to be sent packing after all the viatical problems of the late 1990s!)

but then what do I know?

Here’s the query:

Dear Mark,

I always read the newsfiles in my mail. As you can see this is a mail
from Holland.

Were into Life Settlements at the moment, and i'm looking for an
insurance company who's able to reinsure pay out the face value, when
expected LE of the Life Settlement is over.

Can you tell me which parties i should contact to get some information ?

You would be very kind !

DB Financials B.V.

Mark Snijders

[email protected]


So don’t say I never do anything for you!

Reinsurance magazine and blog-re – so much more than a good read!

Speak soon.

Mark Geoghegan

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