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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 9, 2010 12:34 PM.

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Time for a little politics

On 9th April, Alex Ferguson wrote for The Weekly:

On Monday the UK Government told the country that on May 6, it was going to be having a General Election.

For some of the country, it's about asking who they actually want to guide this country through the recession/recovery, for others, it's about who they are going to choose out of the three evils standing before them, wanting their vote.

As usual, Reinsurance Towers took the approach of speaking to an underwriter about the oncoming election.

"Do you really want to put the Labour Government back in? Not only did they unilaterally fail to eliminate boom and bust, but they sold our gold at the wrong price. Why should we trust them again? And then there's the waste. 40% of this country's GDP is made up of civil servants, which means eliminating waste should be easy. Just fire anyone with the name "coordinator...The unfortunate fact about that is that it'll be like cockroaches. One dies, 400 more appear. Gordon Brown talks about green shoots of recovery, but everyone knows that the manure on top - and coming out of the politicians' mouths- stinks to high heaven. And one other thing - as someone who earns well over six figures, I just can't wait to be taxed 50%. Oh, and my house is expensive too. Thanks, Gordon!"

How about voting Conservative, we ask, to the cheer of an assembled few listening in on this dynamic rampage from 'Joe I don't Know'.

"Love David Cameron. Knew some chaps who went to Eton with him. He loved talking about change in his opening speech, but guess who the other person who talked about change was but doesn't seem to be getting a lot done. Barack Obama! Seriously though, he's still going to charge us well-earning chaps 50%, and does he really think that cutting the National Insurance Bill is going to help me? And how are they going to start making moves to scythe through the bureaucracy. The other thing that winds me up about him is that we City types meet these type of people every day - they are called our senior managers. They are the type of people who make speeches in December about "a great year" and a month later he's giving out severance cheques. Wouldn't trust him as far as I could kick him. And that George Osbourne chap. Chancellor? Really?"

Then how about the Liberal Democrats? "Waste of Vote!" chants the audience, which is getting bigger by the second.

"I like Nick Clegg, I really do. Although his surname makes him sound like someone Fagin would hire in Oliver Twist, he's a rather straight-talking chap. I really appreciated his originality when saying how unfair it was that a rich banker pays less tax than his cleaner. I've never heard it before. But people laugh and say: "Do nothing, think nothing, vote Liberal," and maybe that's a little harsh. They don't have a prayer of winning, but I like the Vince Cable chap. Can't he become Chancellor whoever gets in?? He might actually do some good. Unfortunately, though, you get the feeling that under the Lib Dems, the income tax would go from 50% to 60% in two twists of a lamb's tail, and we'd all be on the first flight to Zurich (a far nicer place than Zurich, I might add!)".

At that, the crowd disperses. We at Reinsurance Towers are none the wiser about who our friend will vote for. Then again, most of the UK aren't any the wiser about they should vote for, either.

We at Reinsurance Towers would like to get your opinions about the political issues on the table. If you could spare a couple of minutes to answer a couple of questions (anonymously of course) please follow the link below

(Now time for a little disclaimer to keep the boss happy - these quotes do not represent the views of Reinsurance Magazine or Incisive Media)

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